For Legal entities


Deposits of legal entities. For the convenience of our clients, we provide the opportunity to attract free funds to deposits for any period in rubles and foreign currency.

When placing significant amounts, the interest rate is determined on an individual basis.


Guaranteed receipt of interest income on cash at fixed rates;
simplicity and manufacturability of deposit transactions;
the possibility of periodically receiving accrued interest to finance current activities;
the possibility of changing the amount of funds on the terms agreed with the Bank;
Instruments for placing temporarily available funds

deposits for a period of 30 days or more;
"on demand" deposits;
deposits with the possibility of partial withdrawal and replenishment of the deposited amount;
non-deductible balance on settlement and current accounts.

Last modified on Friday, 15 April 2022 11:13

About the Bank

Limited Liability
Company Commercial Bank

Registration number: 01
Date of entry : 27.05.1994

Republic of Abkhazia, 384900
Sukhum, Leon Avenue, 31-A

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