For Legal entities

Short- and medium-term lending to legal entities.

Lending to legal entities is an important criterion for replenishing working capital, the need for which each enterprise is not stable, varies depending on working conditions: market, natural, climatic, political, etc. Using a loan, an enterprise can improve and increase production much faster than in its absence.

Documents required to obtain a loan:

Application (letter of request) for a loan (opening of a credit line) indicating the amount of the loan, the purpose of its receipt, the period of use and the type of collateral.
Questionnaire of the loan recipient.
If the potential borrower is not a client of the bank, then additional services are provided:
Charter (photocopy).
The founding agreement (photocopy).
A card with sample signatures, certified by the bank where the borrower is serviced.
Certificate of registration (photocopy).
Certificate from the statistical office (photocopy).
Statements from all banks where the borrower's accounts are open on account turnover for the previous three months.
A certificate from the tax service about the absence of arrears on payments to the budget.
A detailed business plan with a description of the main activities of the borrower, characteristics of managers, characteristics of products that are produced and services that are provided.
The borrower's balance sheets (with appendices) as of the last reporting date.
Documents on the subject of property pledge,
surety agreements, guarantees.
The procedure for issuing a loan:

At the same time in cash (on the basis of a loan agreement).
In parts (based on the agreement on the opening of a credit line).
The procedure for repayment of the loan and payment of interest:

Repayment of the loan is made at a time no later than the date stipulated in the Loan Agreement, and early repayment of the loan or part of it is also possible;
Interest is paid monthly, no later than the 25th day of each month, starting from the date of loan issuance, as well as simultaneously with the repayment of the principal debt on the loan or its part. The amount of interest required to be paid on the upcoming payment is calculated on the balance of the loan debt.
Loan collateral

Real estate
Guarantees of commercial banks
Guarantee of legal entities
Overdraft lending
An overdraft loan is provided to cover a temporary gap in the turnover of funds to customers who have been on settlement and cash services at the Bank for at least 3 months, who have stable turnover on Bank accounts and a stable financial position, provided there is no overdue debt to the budget. An overdraft loan is provided for a period of up to 30 calendar days.. The overdraft lending limit is set:
on loans in Russian rubles – in the amount of up to 40% of the average monthly revenue to the client's settlement and current currency accounts in the Bank for the last 3 months;
for loans in foreign currency – in the amount of up to 20% of the average monthly revenue to the client's foreign currency accounts in the Bank for the last 3 months.
Interest rate

It is set individually for each borrower
Lending currency

Loans are provided in Rubles of the Russian Federation, in US dollars, euros.
Commission for issuing a loan

Application review period

3 – 5 working days

Last modified on Friday, 15 April 2022 11:10

About the Bank

Limited Liability
Company Commercial Bank

Registration number: 01
Date of entry : 27.05.1994

Republic of Abkhazia, 384900
Sukhum, Leon Avenue, 31-A

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